Argentina Post #1 - Buenos Aires

Floralis Generalis, a sculpture by Eduardo Catalano in Buenas Aires. We're about halfway through our trip to Argentina, and it's been absolutely incredible. I was hoping to have posted more frequently, but internet access has been sporadic at best. A tower in La Recoleta Cemetery. I'll keep the post fairly brief but I'm including quite a number of photos to give an idea of what we've seen so far. This trip is a celebration of my father's 70th birthday, and needless to say, he's set a pretty high standard for birthday parties. Along with Julia and myself, the trip consists of a number of my parents' friends from various points throughout their lives. Truly a wonderful conglomeration of people. Part 1 - Buenas Aires Julia and I arrived a day after my parents in Buenas Aires. We stayed at a nice hotel called Hotel Casasur . On the first afternoon, Julia and I went to La Recoleta , which is a beautiful cemetery with individual mausoleum...