Where have I been?

Why have I been absent for a month and a half? I guess one word sums it up nicely. Life. I wish I had a better excuse but alas, I've just been so darned busy. At least I made it six or seven months before having my first unplanned blogging sabbatical. Good news in the works though, as I've got some great content lined up. Check out these new pics from my budding passion, aerial photography. I'm using a DJI Phantom Quadcopter with a GoPro Hero 3 black. The learning has just begun, and so has the upgrading. Right now I'm figuring out how to attach a lightweight camera that produces high quality photos with as little extra weight as possible. Stay tuned, but check out a few pics from my first flight on campus. I can see my office and my home mountain (Ascutney) from this view. Well, my GoPro can. Finally, I'm able to look down on academics.